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Während sich die meisten europäischen Quarter Horse-Verbände noch auf den FEQHA Youth Team Cup 2009 in Großbritannien vorbereiten, sind die Gastgeber schon ein Stück weiter: Sie bereiten sich schon seit einiger Zeit auf den AQHA Youth World Cup 2010 vor, der in der ersten Julihälfte 2010 wieder in den USA stattfinden wird.
Wer dazu ins britische Team gelangen will, muss neben den üblichen Turniererfahrungen u.a. eine persönliche Bgründung für eine Aufnahme ins Team, ein Video sowie ein Regelbuchtest vorlegen, sowie 25 Fragen zum AQHA-Regelbuch beantworten
Auch wenn das nun nicht grade ihr persönliches Ziel ist - schauen Sie sich die Fragen mal an und prüfen Sie, ob Sie sie hätten beantworten können:
1. May an exhibitor use rowelled or slip-on spurs in Hunt Seat classes? Describe what type of spurs are allowed in Hunt Seat classes.
2. Describe two 5 point penalties in Western Riding.
3. What is the requirement for a horse to be eligible for Youth Performance Halter?
4. What is the correct procedure for requesting to speak to the judge at an AQHA show?
5. What are the five 2 point penalties in Reining?
6. In Trail, what distances are specified for between trot over poles and lope over poles? How high may they be raised?
7. In Western Pleasure, at what gaits may the judge ask the horses in the class to reverse?
8. What colour pads are allowed in Hunt Seat classes?
9. In Reining, where in the pattern is the rider allowed to straighten the ends of the reins when riding with split reins?
10. Name the seven causes of disqualification in Hunt Seat Equitation on the Flat.
11. What position should the exhibitor be in when backing the horse in Showmanship?
12. Which Western Riding pattern is recommended for small arenas?
13. Describe the performance of a simple change of lead in the performance of a Horsemanship pattern.
14. In a Reining pattern, the rider over spins slightly more than ¼ turn. How will this error be scored?
15. List four faults in performance in Showmanship.
16. What rules apply to Cutting classes?
17. May a Youth rider show a horse that is owned by his or her step grandparent?
18. Entry numbers are an important part of the exhibitor's equipment. What happens if an exhibitor fails to wear the correct number(s) in a visible manner?
19. Describe the two-point position in the Hunt Seat Equitation class.
20. What is the classic description of Reining?
21. What is the maximum allowable length of the shank of a western bit? Maximum height of port?
22. What is the penalty for the horse taking two bites out a plant or tree on the course in the Trail class?
23. Describe the ideal Showmanship performance.
24. How should horses in the Hunter Under Saddle class move?
25. According to the Animal Welfare clause in the AQHA Show Rules and Regulations, how shall every horse be treated at all times?
Die 20 wittelsbuerger.com-Experten helfen gerne weiter, z.B. Pat Faitz,
Sylvia Katschker und Sylvia Jäckle für den Bereich AQHA. Zum
wittelsbuerger.com-Expertenforum gelangen Sie hier.
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